Jazz Studies at Jacksonville University

The Department of Music at Jacksonville University is dedicated to providing excellent programs of study in Music with the infusion of a strong liberal arts education.

The Jazz and Commercial Music degree

The Bachelor of Music degree in Jazz & Commercial Music is a music performance degree that compliments JU’s music performance core with a combination of music business and commercial music courses, a rigorous sequence of jazz theory/improvisation courses, lecture courses, jazz ensembles, and applied lessons. This program is designed to respond to the needs of the modern performer. Students will have an opportunity to glean from some of the leading faculty performers and composers in their respective fields and develop the ability to perform, write, arrange, produce, record, and market the results of their efforts in order to compete in the ever-evolving music industry.

audtion information

Jazz & Commercial Music majors are required to audition for entrance into the program and scholarships are awarded based on merit and talent. For more information on the audition requirements, visit www.ju.edu/audition.

Jazz Studies Courses

Jazz Theory & Fundamentals

Jazz Theory & Improvisation 1

Jazz Theory & Improvisation 2

Advanced Jazz Theory & Improvisation

Jazz Piano

Jazz History

Chamber Jazz & Large Jazz Ensembles

Commercial Music and Media

Music Production and Songwriting

Comercial Arranging

Film Scoring

Commercial Production

Music Entrepreneurship


John Ricci - Director of Jazz Studies Saxophone, Jazz Courses Jazz Combo, jricci@ju.edu

David Champagne - Instructor of Jazz Trumpet, champa@ju.edu

Scott Giddens - Instructor of Jazz Piano, sgidden@ju.edu

Stanley Piper - Instructor of Jazz Bass and Jazz Combo, spiper@ju.edu

Rick Kirkland - Instructor of Drum Set, rkirkla@ju.edu

Chris Creswell - Artist in Residence, Director of Bands, JU Jazz Orchestra, Brass, ccreswe@ju.edu

Commercial Music and Media

Jason Perry - Adjunct Professor of Music Business, Recording Technology, jperry25@ju.edu